JamminJerry's House of Fun!

If you miss the days of The Dirty House of fun (without the music) then you have come to the right place! you could hear a little bit of anything! Bits from old shows, rants, discussions, demonstrations, cute Stuff from my boys, Random topics, and everything in between! It's all here!

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My personal thoughts on Covid19.


Just my personal thoughts on the whole Covid19.

I have been holding off for a while on this as I was already seeing enough on the internet, and in the news that I have just personally been sick of hearing about it even though there have been things that I have had to question. Last night, I read an article that was the straw that broke the cammles back for me. so I finally decided to throw my thoughts, and opinions out there.

Filetype: MP3 - Size: 34 MB - Duration: 36:07m (128 kbps 44100 Hz)

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